The key to maintaining good customer relationships is good customer service coupled with exceptional products and services.
Customer service encompasses a wide range of activities:
Information Inquiries | Complaints |
Service Requests | Upgrades |
Billing Inquiries | Returns |
Customer Service provides the ability to take the pulse of the organization by providing direct information from the customer about their relationships with the organization and its products and services.
The ability to track, report and resolve service requests and propagate that information throughout the organization is a proactive way to deal with potential problems at an early stage.
The Customer Service data model establishes a data architecture accomplishing these activities.
Service Request | Resolution |
Priority | Product Impact |
Assignment | Customer Survey |
Issue | Responsible Organization |
Activity | Costs and Allocations |
Staffing | Service Metrics |
The Customer Service model can be seamlessly integrated with other ADRM Software models to support trends analysis, quality issues and analytic services.