ADRM Software develops and markets, directly and with solution partners, a wide-range of industry-specific Enterprise, Data Warehouse, Business Area and Solution data models, currently spanning offerings across 10 industry groups and 65 specific lines of business.
Over the past 30 years ADRM's experienced team has provided large companies worldwide with data models that have helped them move to a comprehensive and integrated information architecture that is flexible enough to support them as their businesses continually evolve and enables them to enter new industries and markets armed with robust best-practice data platforms.
ADRM's data models are the 'information blueprints', which are the key component for planning, architecting, designing, governing, reporting, business intelligence and advanced analytics. Just as an architect drafts detailed blueprints before a building is built, companies are increasingly recognizing the need for comprehensive, detailed and integrated data models, clearly named and defined in business terms, to ensure that information from diverse source systems is easily found and properly integrated and structured to accommodate robust analytics today and in the future with maximum flexibility.
ADRM's data model sets provide a complete integrated business-wide information architecture and are the most efficient, timely and predictable way to implement a proven industry best-of-breed data architecture, confidently confirm business requirements and scope for large data projects, and accelerate and reduce risk in a diverse array of large information-centric projects and initiatives including:
The ADRM Software data architecture consists of:
Each industry set of data models addresses the core requirements of a specific industry and consists of a bundle of:
For each industry, we create a fully defined and attributed Enterprise Data Model which contains the subset of entities from the underlying foundational set of Business Area Models for that industry that in our experience are most likely to be of interest first to a best-of-breed company in a specific industry. This model serves as an accelerator for many types of large projects. For those customers focused primarily on building, expanding or re-architecting a data warehouse, a Data Warehouse model is derived from the core Enterprise Model.
A set of between 21 and 30 comprehensive Business Area Models (some people prefer the term Subject Area or Domain Model) provides more detail and expanded scope for each of the areas addressed in the Enterprise and Data Warehouse models. Business Area Models provide the most comprehensive and granular view of data for that business or subject area.
Collectively, the set of Business Area Models and their constituent entities and attributes, each with clear business names and definitions, constitutes an unparalleled resource for organizations engaging in large-scale Enterprise Data Governance initiatives and looking to provide their data stewards and data governance team with a comprehensive, industry-specific, and easy to understand toolkit to facilitate detailed communication of business requirements and scope.
This comprehensive top-down data architecture also facilitates several different potential data warehouse/data mart or virtualization deployment alternatives:
Since our models share a common data architecture across industries and lines of business, for those organizations that span multiple industries and/or lines of business, ADRM's models can be easily integrated across industries or lines of business within an industry (e.g. a number of our large Oil & Gas customers have integrated implementations of our data models spanning everything from Upstream through Midstream and Refining to Downstream/Retail and a number of our large Financial Services customers have integrated implementations of our data models spanning Retail Banking, Commercial Banking, and Corporate & Investment Banking). A top-down data architecture based upon common data elements ensures that data can be applied consistently across the entire organization regardless of requirements.
In addition to the industry bundles described above, which address the core requirements of most companies in a specific industry and which are what most of our customers license, ADRM has also developed a number of Solution models. These large detailed Solution models address in detail specific business information requirements which may be relevant to only some companies in an industry. These Solution models can either be added to an industry bundle or licensed on a stand-alone basis, depending on a customer's requirements.
Over the past 30 years, the ADRM approach has proven to dramatically accelerate a variety of types of large data projects and digital transformation and enterprise data governance initiatives while significantly reducing the risk entailed in an internal or third party service-based data modeling project, while also increasing productivity, reducing costs and benefiting from best practices and years of lessons learned on large projects with other similar organizations.