Industry Data Model

Internet & Data Services

The Internet is the worldwide system of connected mainframe, personal and computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide.

It is a network of related networks linked by electronic, wireless and optical network technologies that provide a wide variety of data resources and services such as:

Internet services are used by over 3.3 billion people worldwide and 280 million people in the United States.

The Internet & Data Services industry model set consists of Enterprise, Business Area, and Data Warehouse logical data models developed for companies providing internet and broadband products and services.

The Internet & Data Services models provide a comprehensive and cohesive data architecture addressing:

Product/Offering/ServiceBusiness Metrics
Integrated billingCredit & Collections
Service ProviderProperty & Equipment
Connection/IP addressFinancial Reporting

The Internet & Data Services models can be integrated with other ADRM Software industry models such as Software, Mobile Devices, Retail and High Tech Components to provide expanded coverage.