ADRM Software is proud to sponsor the Enterprise Data Governance Online (EDGO) conference hosted by Dataversity. Many of our existing and prospective customers identify Enterprise Data Governance as an important use case contributing to their adoption of ADRM Software's comprehensive industry data models.
Successful enterprise data governance initiatives at large organizations emphasize clear communication among stakeholders and empower data stewards and other business stakeholders with comprehensive and detailed blueprints of the data they are responsible for stewarding, clearly named and defined in business terms everybody understands. In addition to fostering more precise communication of business requirements and scope between business stakeholders and IT, these integrated information blueprints or roadmaps also help different business areas understand the interdependencies between different parts of the business based on overlapping data requirements.
ADRM Software provides the most comprehensive industry data models available today for most industries. For over 25 years we have helped large organizations accelerate a variety of data-related initiatives, while also helping them to reduce risk and benefit from best practices and lessons learned by other similar large organizations. We invite you to explore our sets of industry and solution models using the drop-down tabs above to see whether we can help your organization significantly accelerate your data governance initiative with our comprehensive and business-friendly information blueprints or jump-start related initiatives such as populating your business glossary or data catalog with tens of thousands of clearly named and defined industry-specific business terms.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about how our industry data models can add value to your enterprise data governance initiative. If you’ll be attending the Enterprise Data World conference in Boston in March 2019, we’ll have a booth and will be facilitating a couple of industry-specific SIGs (Insurance, Healthcare)and we’d love to meet you to learn more about where you are on your data governance journey and to answer your questions about our industry data model products in person (you can even use code "adrm10" to save 10% on any of the conference attendee packages).
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