The Enterprise Data Model is the primary industry data model for each ADRM Software industry offering.
It is the Enterprise Data Model that establishes the framework for and provides the reference for all related industry business area, data warehouse and data mart models.
The Enterprise Data Model incorporates the integrated data requirements of a best-practices organization in that industry within a single model consisting of approximately 400 entities and 2,500 attributes.
It is the essential data model for strategic planning, communicating information requirements across the organization, developing integrated systems and organizing data in the Business Area, Data Warehouse and Data Mart models.
Each Enterprise Data Model is built upon a common core of entity 'building blocks', which contributes those same common entities for construction of business area, data warehouse, data and application models.
This common set of core entities enables the related models to be data architected to be consistent and extendable across the industry.
The same common core of entities are used wherever applicable in other industries, thus providing a means of integrating data across different industries or lines of business.
ADRM Enterprise Data Models have several common design characteristics:
ADRM Software develops Enterprise Data Models for 9 industries and 54 lines of business based their industry experience, core competencies, research and client engagements.
"The Best-Practice Vertical-Industry Enterprise Model"
(648Kb PDF)